Week of September 23rd

                                        This photo shows this months students of the month for 7th and 8th grade. Great job!!
                                       Mrs.Bradley's language class making our websites on our non-fiction text structures! We all got to choose our own topic!
                            In this photo they are trying to find examples of a vocab word in the school. It was a game called Goose Chase where we had to find or create examples of all of our vocabulary words and then upload them to the app.
                                They are in the cat walk looking for examples of vocab words for our Goose Chase game!
                                                  They are playing volley ball in the gym for our homecoming activities!
                                            They are getting ready to serve the volley ball.

                                      They are passing the ball over the net using team work.
                                                     They are dressed up for tourist day during Homecoming week!
                                                              A tourist for tourist day.
                                                 Mr. Johnson showing off his tourist outfit.
                                                    They are showing there cougar spirit during Homecoming week! We loved our first Homecoming week at the Middle School!
                                            In this photo they are dressed up for tourist day.
                                      They are dressed up for color wars - 7th grade was green.
                                           A picture of Visco girls for our dress up week.
                                     Here is a photo of some students dressed up as tourists. Overall, it was a fun week with all of our activities and dress up days!


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